Friday, August 28, 2015

You Know the Voice: Frank Welker (1978)

It's too bad they never roasted Scooby-Doo. Then again, there's still time for that.

Anyway, Frank Welker made a rare appearance in front of the camera when he was invited to appear on the Dean Martin Celebrity Roast when they honored George Burns in 1978. Frank shows up around the 35 minute mark to do a mimic of Walter Cronkite, referencing Burns' hit movie, "Oh God!".

You'd think they'd have done a roast of Scooby by now, but no one at Hanna-Barbera or WB or their various network partners ever gave it much thought. Hmmmmm. It would make a pretty good DTV down the line, don't you think?


Silverstar said...

A celebrity roast of Scooby? Sounds good to me. Various HB stars from the past could make appearances, some seeing the light of day for the first time in years. Warner and Cartoon Network/Boomerang would probably never go for such an idea, but that'd be cool to see.

hobbyfan said...

Actually, given the right amount of inducement, WB could do it, but CN/Boomerang? I would say if they cross-promote with TBS, since TBS shares Family Guy & American Dad with [adult swim], they could make it happen.